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Stalking is Best Defined As?

Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted behavior that is directed towards a specific individual, causing that person to feel harassed, threatened, or fearful.

This behavior can take many forms, such as physical following, surveillance, unwanted communication, or unwanted gifts or messages. Stalking can also involve behavior that may not initially seem threatening but can still be deeply distressing for the victim.

Stalking is a serious and often illegal behavior that can have significant emotional, psychological, and physical effects on the victim, and it should be taken seriously and addressed promptly.


Stalking is best defined as?


Stalking is best defined as repeated, unwanted contact that communicates a threat or makes someone fear for their safety


Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted behavior that is directed towards a specific individual, causing that person to feel harassed, threatened, or fearful. This behavior can take many forms, such as physical following, surveillance, unwanted communication, or unwanted gifts or messages.

While stalking can certainly include behavior that communicates a threat or makes someone fear for their safety, it is important to note that not all stalking behavior is overtly threatening. Stalking can also involve persistent unwanted contact or attention that may not initially seem threatening but can still be deeply distressing for the victim.

Ultimately, whether behavior constitutes stalking depends on the context, the intentions of the person engaging in the behavior, and the impact it has on the victim.

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