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Which of the following statements is true concerning data selection?

Data selection is the process of choosing which data to include or exclude from a study based on specific criteria. It is a critical step in research design that can significantly impact the validity and reliability of research findings.

The goal of data selection is to ensure that the data collected is representative of the population being studied and that it is of sufficient quality to provide accurate and meaningful results.

In order to establish a data selection strategy, researchers typically begin by defining the population they want to study and identifying the data sources available.

They then develop a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria based on relevant variables, such as age, gender, health status, or geographic location, that they will use to select the data to be included in their analysis.This process helps to minimize bias and ensures that the resulting dataset is representative of the population being studied.

Data selection is an essential part of the research process and should be carefully planned and documented to ensure that it is transparent and replicable.

By establishing a clear and rigorous data selection process, researchers can increase the validity and reliability of their findings, which is essential for advancing scientific knowledge and informing evidence-based decision-making.


Which of the following statements is true concerning data selection?

A. A data selection strategy is required by federal law.

B. A good data selection strategy can eliminate the need for data collection.

C. A data selection strategy must be established after the data are collected.

D. Establishing a data selection strategy prior to collecting data decreases the chance of a biased outcome.


Establishing a data selection strategy prior to collecting data decreases the chance of a biased outcome. (D)


Establishing a data selection strategy before collecting data can help reduce the risk of biased outcomes because it allows researchers to define criteria for inclusion and exclusion of data points, which helps ensure that the data collected are representative and relevant to the research question.

Without a clear strategy, researchers may be more likely to select data that confirm their hypotheses, leading to a biased outcome. Additionally, a well-defined data selection strategy can help improve the reliability and validity of the data collected, which is essential for accurate and meaningful analysis.

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