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Which NIMS management characteristic helps to eliminate confusion?

NIMS management refers to the principles and practices outlined in the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which is a standardized framework for managing incidents or emergencies in the United States.

NIMS provides a systematic approach to incident management, including the management of resources, communications, command and coordination, and information sharing among multiple agencies and jurisdictions.

NIMS management involves several key components, including the establishment of a standardized organizational structure, the use of common terminology and communication protocols, the coordination of resources through the Incident Command System (ICS), and the integration of planning, preparedness, response, and recovery activities.

NIMS also emphasizes the importance of partnerships and collaboration among different agencies, jurisdictions, and levels of government to ensure a coordinated and effective response to incidents or emergencies.

NIMS management characteristics include flexibility, scalability, interoperability, standardization, unity of command, and chain of command, among others. These characteristics help to ensure that incident response efforts are coordinated, efficient, and effective, and that resources are used appropriately and in a coordinated manner.

NIMS management is designed to improve overall incident response capabilities and enhance interoperability among different agencies and jurisdictions, with the ultimate goal of saving lives, protecting property, and ensuring public safety during incidents or emergencies. 


Which NIMS management characteristic helps to eliminate confusion?

A. Information and Intelligence Management.
B. Management by Objectives.
C. Chain of Command and Unity of Command.
D. Accountability.


Chain of Command and Unity of Command helps to eliminate confusion caused by multiple, conflicting directives.

The correct answer is C. Chain of Command and Unity of Command.


The NIMS management characteristic of Chain of Command and Unity of Command helps to eliminate confusion during incident response.

By establishing a clear hierarchical structure and ensuring that each individual has only one supervisor or manager to whom they report (Unity of Command), and that personnel follow the established chain of authority (Chain of Command), NIMS helps to prevent conflicting or multiple directives that can cause confusion.

This promotes effective communication, coordination, and decision-making, leading to a more organized and efficient incident response effort. The correct answer is C. Chain of Command and Unity of Command.

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