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How many NIMS management characteristics are there?

The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a comprehensive framework developed by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to manage and respond to incidents, including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other emergencies.

One of the key components of NIMS is the identification of 14 management characteristics that are essential for effective incident management.

In this article, we will explore these NIMS management characteristics in detail and explain why they are crucial for ensuring a coordinated and efficient response to incidents. 


How many NIMS management characteristics are there?

A. 13
B. 12
C. 15
D. 14


There are 14 NIMS Management Characteristics.

The correct answer is D. 14


There are 14 NIMS (National Incident Management System) management characteristics, which are as follows:

1. Common Terminology

This characteristic ensures that all personnel involved in an incident have a common understanding and use the same terminology to prevent confusion and misunderstanding.

2. Integrated Communications

This characteristic ensures that there is an integrated and effective communication system that allows all personnel involved in incident management to communicate with each other seamlessly.

3. Modular Organization

This characteristic provides a flexible organizational structure that can be adapted to the size and complexity of the incident, allowing for more efficient allocation of resources.

4. Establishment and Transfer of Command

This characteristic involves the transfer of command from one individual to another as the incident progresses, based on the level of expertise and experience of the individual, and ensures that all personnel involved in the incident understand the chain of command.

5. Management by Objectives

This characteristic involves setting objectives and goals for the incident response and management, with a focus on achieving the best possible outcomes.

6. Unified Command

This characteristic involves the creation of a unified command structure that allows for collaboration and coordination between different agencies involved in incident management.

7. Incident Action Planning

This characteristic involves the development of a plan of action to manage the incident effectively and efficiently, with clearly defined objectives and priorities.

8. Chain of Command and Unity of Command

This characteristic involves clearly defined lines of authority and responsibility, ensuring that each individual involved in the incident has a specific role to play and that there is no confusion or conflict in decision-making.

9. Manageable Span of Control

This characteristic ensures that each individual involved in the incident management has a manageable number of subordinates to oversee, allowing for effective communication, control, and management.

10. Accountability

This characteristic involves ensuring that each individual involved in the incident management is responsible and accountable for their actions and decisions.

11. Incident Facilities and Locations

This characteristic involves identifying and establishing facilities and locations to support the incident management, including command centers, staging areas, and medical facilities.

12. Dispatches/Deployments

This characteristic involves the rapid and efficient deployment of resources and personnel to the incident location, ensuring that resources are deployed where they are needed most.

13. Comprehensive Resource Management

This characteristic involves the identification, allocation, and management of all resources required for incident management, including personnel, equipment, and supplies.

14. Information and Intelligence Management

This characteristic involves the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information and intelligence related to the incident, allowing for informed decision-making and effective response.

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